
Fiat Ducato diesel scandal

All news about Fiat Ducato diesel scandal

It has been known since 2020 that investigations are underway into suspected engine tampering in Fiat Ducato camper base vehicles.

As more and more details incriminating Fiat become public, many owners of affected motorhomes are increasingly concerned and are taking legal action. With this lawsuit, they are demanding compensation for their motorhome affected by the Fiat Ducato diesel scandal.

However, a majority of affected motorhome owners want to wait for further developments in the Fiat Ducato emissions scandal before taking legal action against the manufacturer of Fiat Ducato motorhomes (FCA Italy S.p.A.).

Last updated: November 2022

Current developments | News

Fiat Ducato diesel scandal - BGH ruling of 26.06.2023 increases chances of compensation for damages

The diesel scandal, which has also affected Fiat, has been preoccupying the automotive industry and consumers for a long time. Various manufacturers of diesel engines installed so-called defeat devices in their engines. As a result, the vehicles appeared to be significantly "cleaner" than they actually were....
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ECJ ruling of 21.03.2023: Fiat faces wave of damages in emissions scandal

The diesel scandal, which has also affected Fiat, has been preoccupying the automotive industry and consumers for a long time. Various manufacturers of diesel engines installed so-called defeat devices in their engines. As a result, the vehicles appeared to be significantly "cleaner" than they actually were....
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Fiat on the verge of defeat in court in Koblenz

In the reference decision of 14.11.2022, the Fifth Senate refers to two defeat devices in Fiat Ducato engines (Ref.: 5 U 1334/22; no judgment yet; as of Dec. 2022). Among other things, the so-called timer that optimizes exhaust gas purification for the test bench. ...
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DUH sues Federal Motor Transport Authority in Fiat emissions scandal

The Emission Control Institute (EKI) of Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) has carried out measurements on a total of nine Fiat Ducato-based motorhomes with alarming results. Vehicles from the manufacturers Weinsberg, Pilote, Knaus, Hobby, Dethleffs, Challenger and Carthago were tested....
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DUH publishes internal BOSCH documents on Fiat in emissions scandal

The Fiat Ducato emissions scandal is picking up speed again. Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (DUH) has once again made an important contribution to clearing up the Fiat diesel scandal. In a press release dated 17.11.2022, DUH published internal Bosch documents which prove that some of the major car manufacturers commissioned defeat devices as early as 2006 ...
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Rulings in the Fiat Ducato emissions scandal

Case law has been turning against Fiat and in favor of consumers in recent months in the Fiat motorhome diesel scandal. Some regional courts are already ruling in favor of motorhome owners. These decisions are increasingly being followed by the higher regional courts, which have already announced consumer-friendly rulings. ...
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The OLG Munich expresses itself in the camper Fiat diesel scandal consumer-friendly

The events in the diesel emissions scandal surrounding motorhomes based on the Italian car manufacturer FCA Italy S.p.A. (known as "Fiat") are coming to a head. The legal dispute between Fiat and the affected consumers began some time ago....
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Difference between the various disconnection devices

In the course of the diesel scandal, no word has probably been used as often as the word "defeat device". Even though it has become part of common parlance since the VW diesel scandal at the latest, there are still some uncertainties. What exactly is a defeat device? How do the devices of the individual manufacturers differ?...
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DUH publishes measurement results again

Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), one of the loudest players in the fight against the diesel emissions scandal, has once again published worrying measurements. Even several years after the first revelations of emissions cheating in the diesel scandal, diesel vehicles on German and European roads are as dirty as ever....
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