
DUH publishes internal BOSCH documents incriminating Fiat in emissions scandal

The Fiat Ducato emissions scandal picks up speed again. Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (DUH) has once again made an important contribution in clearing up the Fiat diesel scandal.

In a press release dated Nov. 17, 2022, DUH published internal Bosch documents proving that some of the major automakers had ordered defeat devices as early as 2006.

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Publication of incriminating documents by DUH

Fiat" is among the automakers affected by the publication. As one of the documents published by DUH shows, Fiat was probably already a customer of Bosch in 2015 for a software function called "time-based deactivation of fuel, air and EGT system".

The document is a compilation of functions that offer a particular potential for non-authority compliant application. This list contains not only the names of notable car manufacturers, but also the description of the various ways in which the software functions work. In addition, the documents also include a legal discussion of so-called defeat devices. This shows a clear awareness of the legal issues surrounding some of these devices.

The disclosure of the documents by DUH experts is seen as a clear breakthrough in the diesel scandal. For example, Dr. Axel Friedrich, international traffic expert, believes that it can now no longer be argued that the car manufacturers were subject to a ban error. Attorney of the DUH Prof. Dr. Remo Klinger sees this similarly. The documents, and in particular the 2015 presentation requested by the Bosch board of management, prove "that Bosch knew what it was doing from a legal point of view. In each case, the functions are told why they are 'potentially critical'. This proves a high awareness of injustice."

The documents indicate, on the one hand, that Bosch developed such a defeat device for Fiat and, on the other hand, that there was also an awareness that it could be legally problematic.

In particular, the publication also makes clearer, independently of Fiat, the general involvement of car manufacturers in the diesel scandal.

The newly published documents further increase the density of arguments for consumers. This will facilitate litigation in the emissions scandal.

The documents help bolster consumers' legal arguments in the Fiat Ducato emissions scandal for a claim for damages. However, it is questionable whether the publication of the documents will lead to further legal consequences in the diesel scandal. According to reports, the documents were already known to the public prosecutor's office during its investigations and were also already taken into account in the fine proceedings against Bosch, for example.

Here you can find the DUH press release and the published documents in full.

Consumers are strongly advised to seek legal advice regarding the Fiat Ducato diesel scandal. We will be happy to clarify what your legal options are regarding your claims in a free initial consultation.

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