
Category: Immigration

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Opportunity map coming on June 1, 2024

In summer 2023, the German Bundestag passed the law on the further development of skilled labor immigration in order to make Germany more attractive for highly qualified workers from abroad. Among other things, it included changes to the EU Blue Card and simplifications for IT specialists and people with professional experience. The law also introduced a ...
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Dual citizenship and faster naturalization coming

It has been long awaited, but now it is finally certain: The Act on the Modernization of Citizenship Law (StARModG) will come into force on 26 June 2024....
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Is there a green card in Germany?

Would you like to move to Germany and settle here, but can't for the life of you find where you can apply for a green card? The reason for this is simple: Germany does not issue green cards. However, there are a number of other residence permits that could be suitable for you....
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Dual citizenship & naturalization - Important changes

When it comes to naturalization figures, Germany has long been below the European average. More than twelve million people live in Germany without German citizenship - almost half of them have been here for more than ten years. The reasons why these people ...
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EU Blue Card - salary limit 2024

For an EU Blue Card for Germany, the minimum salary limit in 2024 is 45,300 euros gross per year or 3,775 euros gross per month. For shortage occupations, the salary threshold in 2024 is 41,041.80 euros gross per year or 3,420.15 euros gross per month....
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EU Blue Card: Important changes

In August, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier signed and executed the law on the further development of skilled worker immigration drafted by the traffic light coalition. The majority of the changes contained therein officially came into force on November 18....
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Dual citizenship 2024 - Turkey and Germany

The German government has passed a bill that would allow all people from Turkey to keep their Turkish passport when naturalizing. ...
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Changes in naturalization: dual citizenship to become possible

Nationality is an elementary part of our lives. Everyone has one, some even have two or more. It determines which country we belong to, what rights we have and where we are at home. But the reality of life is often more complex: many people move away permanently from the country whose ...
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Significant changes in citizenship law

Freedom of movement throughout Europe, unrestricted voting rights, a passport that is one of the most "valuable" in the world - German citizenship comes with many advantages. Anyone who has not already acquired it by birth through a German parent can apply for naturalization and thus take the final step towards ...
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