
Is there a green card in Germany?

Would you like to move to Germany and settle here, but can't for the life of you find where you can apply for a green card?

The reason for this is simple: Germany does not issue green cards. However, there are a number of other residence permits that could be suitable for you. We will introduce you to the most important ones in the following sections.

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The German Green Card is called the EU Blue Card

The first alternative to the Green Card that you should consider is the EU Blue Card. Apart from the obvious similarities in the name, the benefits of the EU Blue Card are also comparable to those of a typical green card, such as those available in the USA. This is because, like a green card, the EU Blue Card can be the starting point for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Germany. in Germany. Holders of an EU Blue Card can obtain a permanent settlement permit just 21 months after entering Germany, provided they have a sufficient command of the German language. However, even with basic German language skills, they can apply for a settlement permit after just 27 months.

The prerequisite for applying for an EU Blue Card is a university degree recognized in Germany. university degree and a a concrete job offerthat exceeds a certain salary limit exceeds a certain salary limit. For IT specialists there is an exception: they can obtain an EU Blue Card even if they do not have a university degree, provided they can instead demonstrate at least three years of relevant professional experience in the past seven years and extensive theoretical knowledge.

Further details on the EU Blue Card, such as the exact salary threshold required to apply, can be found here.

Settlement permit

The settlement permit is probably most similar to the typical green card programs. It grants its holder the indefinite and permanent right to live and work in Germany. This is a major advantage as it eliminates the need for regular visits to your local immigration office and offers stability and planning security for the future.

However, you can only apply for and receive a settlement permit if you have been in possession of a regular temporary residence permit for some time for some time. Exactly how long your previous stay must be depends on what type of residence permit you had, but it can be between 21 months (for holders of an EU Blue Card with sufficient knowledge of German) and five years.

You can find a comprehensive list of all the requirements you need to fulfill in order to obtain a settlement permit here.

Other visa types

In addition to the EU Blue Card and the settlement permit, there are a number of other residence permits that are equivalent to a typical Green Card. For example, you can apply for a job search visa which allows you to stay in Germany for up to six months to look for a suitable job offer. If you already have such an offer, but an EU Blue Card is still not an option for you, you can also apply for another residence permit for gainful employment for gainful employment. The same applies if you prefer to work independently and would like to set up or expand your own business. You can find a comprehensive overview of the various residence permits for gainful employment here.

If one or more of your close family members already live in Germany or have applied for a visa here, you may also be eligible for a residence permit within the framework of family reunification as a Green Card replacement for you. The requirements for a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification vary slightly depending on the type of residence permit your family member holds. To check which requirements apply in your case, click here.

How our lawyers can help you

Even if there is no green card system in Germany card system in Germany, there are numerous opportunities for people from abroad, here work here and eventually settle down. The large selection of residenceitles often makes it difficult for applicantsthe right title for their individual situation. This is where our experienced team of lawyers comes in. We show you your options onaccompany you through the entire process and take over the complete communication with the immigration authoritiesso that you can start your new life with your Green Card replacement as quickly and smoothly as possible.

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